Just a bunch of people who love to fly
WeFlyTogether is a group of flight simulation enthusiasts who enjoy flying together online throughout the world.
Our Fly-Ins are made possible by the use of Microsoft Flight Simulator (FSX) or Lockheed Martin's PREPAR3D Simulator (Prepar3D), together with JoinFS and TeamSpeak 3.
We carefully study and prepare our flight plans so we can enjoy the most of the beautiful scenery out there. Many of us increase the perception of our environment by the use of payware add-on scenery, such as ORBX.
Our group is presently made up of people from different countries, e.g., US, Canada, Australia, England and Spain.
Thanks to DigitalThemePark for letting us use their JoinFS & TeamSpeak3 servers.
Should you be interested in being part of WeFlyTogether, please contact us at: info@weflytogether.org